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Aug 31, 2018

Heart to Heart with Mother Miriam
*God withholds nothing that we need *Accepting God's will when in a time of suffering *Children don't belong to their parents, they are given by God with a responsibility *The dangers of pornography

Aug 30, 2018

Heart to Heart with Mother Miriam
*On her time at the Conference of Catholic Families in Dublin *Is a baptism from a priest guilty of an abuse charge invalid? *Why does the Saturday vigil mass for Sunday exist? *Is age 3 too young for reading the Bible? *Getting married outside the church when not fully understanding...

Aug 29, 2018

Heart to Heart with Mother Miriam Special
*God's Will for the Family

Aug 28, 2018

Heart to Heart with Mother Miriam
*Embracing Jesus as the Jewish Messiah *Was baptized but never confirmed - should I attend RCIA? *A Catholic approach to modesty *Church stance on the validity of the Society of St. Pius X

Aug 27, 2018

Heart to Heart with Mother Miriam
*On the Feast of the Sacred Heart *Judging our sins *Going to Purgatory or right to Heaven *Who came first? Adam and Eve or the Dinosaurs