Mar 28, 2018
Heart to Heart with Mother Miriam
*Pope Benedict on the Holy Triduum of Easter *Jimmy Akin's 6 Things
You Need to Know About the Triduum *How should I acknowledge the
pregnancy of my brother's live-in girlfriend? *Can women
participate in the feet washing on Holy Thursday? *Can a person be
born evil? *Plenary Indulgences
Mar 26, 2018
Heart to Heart with Mother Miriam
*The celebrations of Holy Week *Retaining friendships with
ex-Catholics *Husband does not want wife to come back to the Church
*What bibles do you recommend? *Where Jesus spent the night before
crucifixion *Being angry at God for a medical condition
Mar 23, 2018
Heart to Heart with Mother Miriam
*Why Good Friday is "Good" *Jesus' sacrifice for our sins and our
need to repent *Finding healing from suffering
Mar 22, 2018
Heart to Heart with Mother Miriam
*The labor of obedience *Am I accountable for not correcting
someone in grave sin? *Teenager in a non-Catholic bible study
*Remaining faithful to my vocation while trying to advance my
career *Nuns who want to be priests *How the devil preys on our
Mar 21, 2018
Heart to Heart with Mother Miriam
*The Feast Day and "Transitus" of St. Benedict *Since God knows our
needs, why pray? *Desire to enter religious life *The movie "The
Passion fo the Christ" *Church which has no kneelers *Should a
child be given the HPV vaccine?