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Feb 28, 2019

Heart to Heart with Mother Miriam
*Preparing to Fast for Lent *What does Scripture tell us about Statues in the Church?

Feb 27, 2019

Heart to Heart with Mother Miriam
*Pope Leo XIII on Lent *Differentiating Messianic Jews from Christians *Universality within the Church *Using President Trump as an example of an everyday moral conflict

Feb 26, 2019

Heart to Heart with Mother Miriam
*More on marriages compromised with major differences *How can we teach children about miscarriages? *Is it okay to make a donation to support a Protestant mission? *How can we help a couple who is in between Protestantism and Catholicism?

Feb 25, 2019

Heart to Heart with Mother Miriam
*Transitioning from Ordinary Time to Lent *The purpose of fasting during Lent *Should confirmation be understood before it is administered? *Is it okay read Protestant devotionals? *How to live in a marriage when there is a major difference in beliefs

Feb 22, 2019

Heart to Heart with Mother Miriam
*If we lose hope, we lose faith in God *St. Gertrude's response to the scandals in the Church today *When is confirmation acceptable? *When adult children rebel in your home