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Oct 31, 2019

Mother Miriam Live
*All Hallows Eve

Oct 30, 2019

Mother Miriam Live
*Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau re-elected *Refusing to give communion to public figures who live in sin *Beginning the Journey to the Church *Concerns with Protestantism

Oct 29, 2019

Mother Miriam Live
*What are good homeschooling programs for children? *Why is the mother important for homeschooling our children? *Education and Islam *Is there such thing as two Popes? *Can Catholic parishes be independent of the diocese? *More about Schism *Must we return to the Extraordinary Form of the Mass?...

Oct 28, 2019

Mother Miriam Live
*Saint Jude on the True Catholic Faith *Is Father James Martin becoming a heretic with his agenda? *Are certain devotions like the Rosary and Divine Mercy favored over the sacraments? *On "Windswept House" by Malachi Martin *On the 54 day Novena *Should we pass out candy to Trick-or-treaters on...

Oct 25, 2019

Mother Miriam Live
*Trusting that God is Good *Earthly fathers can tarnish our view of our Heavenly Father *Encouragement for Our Day *What does it mean to "pray out of time"?